Saturday, July 07, 2007

Training Week 5 - Saturday - Started in San Francisco, ended in London

Picture 203I flew to London this Friday. Slept as much as I could on the plane, so I can spend the rest of the day playing with my nephews.

Since we had a feast for dinner, I decided to go out for a midnight run. Ran up Warwick Road, and then on to Kensington High Street. Turned back at Exhibition Road (see map below).

Total distance = 1.7 x 2 miles = 3.4 miles

I did the first 1.7 miles with 5 stops. I did the return 1.7 miles with 3 stops. The idea is to increase the distance and reduce/maintain the stops.

I just need to stretch a little, and then off to bed.

run - warwick kensington london

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