Thursday, December 08, 2005

The oDesk team of old

This is the team I started with at oDesk.

The picture was taken on the last day at our old office, which was the office I started at.

We went through some changes since then, but most of us are still here

:0 <--- this I call the oFace Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 01, 2005

This is Rayyan

My nephew is cute, no two ways about it.

He lives in London and was born on May 23, 2000, at around 4:00 pm, weighing 6.5 lb (2.75 kg). Posted by Picasa

The oDesk Founders

Odysseas and Stratis founded oDesk.

Stratis lives in Greece and comes here infrequently. We've been scheming on how to get him to come to the US for a longer period of time, but for reasons unknown, Stratis likes the Greek air too much.

Odysseas does his best to keep in as frequent touch with him as possible. It is normal for them to have 8-10 hour continuous Skype sessions. That's insane.

They are both a little insane.

Whatever the case, we love both of them. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Week of 2005.10.17

So things are really rumbling at oDesk (

We launched an Online Community ( which is getting more traffic that we anticipated. Alex Carter is doing a lot of stuff on it, but it seems like it needs almost a full-time person dedicated to it.

Advertising is kicking my ass. We are spending more, a) on a CPC basis and b) on a budget basis. That is the industry trend, and I am still pissed I did not buy Google stock when this started to happen (Google shares went up 10-15% on this quarter's earnings)

We are overhauling our website with the help of Radiopuffin, a creative firm. The new site (still would be completely kick ass!! If we can make it happen, I would be immensely peased! And since I am incharge of the project, I guess I better get to work rather than writing this stuff.

Our Alexa rating continues to rise, but we need it to rise faster. With the new website, and the start of viral marketing, the hope is to exponentially increase our traffic rank, etc.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Week ending 08.07.05

Again I'm sitting at Happy Donuts, trying to do some work-related things so I don't look like a slacker on Monday. One of the bad things I took away from Capital One: procrastination. Anatole had told me to be extremely structured in my professional life. I need to listen to him more.

Right now, I am creating a metrics report for our advertising. Then, I need to do some contract stuff, and then... think about pricing. I'm in charge of the presentation and modeling for pricing. Cool :)

I listen to podcasts while I do work at Happy Donuts. Mostly news, technology and finance related stuff. Trying to get some info in my head. My head doesn't like it.

Will now post something on Yahoo 360

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Thinking about how to structure my blogs...

There will be a similar post on my Yahoo! 360

At 3:00 am on Friday night, I am pondering the use of my two blogs (recently started).

Since I like the structure of Yahoo! 360 better right now, I'm going to keep my posts of any possible interest on Yahoo! 360

The rest, which is going to be a catalogue of what I did, useless information, but maybe nice to read every 10 years or so, would be on Blogger.

Hit the bed, think about it more tomorrow.

I want to wake up, drive to Hillsdale Shopping Center and eat a Cinnabon for breakfast.

Monday, July 25, 2005

I've been tasked with creating an online community

At work that is....

And I need to get the structure down in less than 2 weeks. Just did a basic search on "online community" and opened up about 25 tabs in Firefox. Once I browse them, I'll be creating a template to present to someone who used to do this for a big (really BIG) online company.



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